# Backstage @ Taurean.work %% Enter notes below this line %% ## Who? My name's [[taurean-definition|Taurean Bryant]], I'm a design engineer based in the Bay Area of California. This site is a mess so if you're looking for something a bit more legible, visit [taurean.work](https://taurean.work) instead. ## What? This site is somewhere between a catch-all for my content that doesn't already have a good home and the last stop for stuff I don't want to forget. These notes are published directly from my Obsidian vault so from time to time, you may see markup intended for plugins. You'll also likely come across broken links. These are backlinks to notes that I did *not* publish[^1]. This site exists primarily as an extension of my private notes. You'll experience it best when you see it less like a curated public museum of content and more like entering my messy lived-in home. ## Where? idk, I'm just trying to force this question format to work. [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish) I guess? ## Why? I don't write often, and sometimes when I do it's not quite a blog post or essay. For example, [[Ratings|my approach to rating content]]. I thought it would be fun to just have this web of stuff I publish over time, like finding that old box of mementos you'd forgotten about when you move. Also, it's incredibly easy to manage. ## How? This site won't have your typical navigation, you'll likely find most pages by me linking directly to them. If you're feeling adventurous, feel free to use the graph view on desktop. By default this will only show you notes directly connected to the one you're viewing but you can also expand it to view all public notes. --- ## recent notes Just so I don't leave you with nothing though, here are some of the things I've published: ### _All_ recent %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: start ```dataview LIST WHERE !contains(file.folder, "curtain") AND !contains(file.folder, "sample") AND (contains(publish, true) AND !contains(unlisted, true)) SORT file.ctime desc limit 3 ``` %% - [[Type Foundry Directory.md|Type Foundry Directory]] - [[clipped/‘His Name Was Bélizaire’ Rare Portrait of Enslaved Child Arrives at the Met.md|‘His Name Was Bélizaire’ Rare Portrait of Enslaved Child Arrives at the Met]] - [[One of Them Days.md|One of Them Days]] %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: end %% ### Posts %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: start ```dataview LIST WHERE contains(entityIs, [[Drafts Collection|Drafts]]) AND !contains(file.folder, "curtain") AND !contains(file.folder, "sample") AND (contains(publish, true) AND !contains(unlisted, true)) SORT file.ctime desc LIMIT 3 ``` %% - [[Defining Design.md|Defining Design]] - [[calendars revamp 2025.md|calendars revamp 2025]] - [[AI Usage.md|AI Usage]] %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: end %% ### Media %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: start ```dataview TABLE without id file.link as "Media title", choice(entityIs = [[Albums Collection|Albums]], [[Albums Collection|Album]], choice(entityIs = [[Books Collection|Books]], [[Books Collection|Book]], choice(entityIs = [[Show Episodes Collection|Show Episodes]], [[Show Episodes Collection|Show Episode]], choice(entityIs = [[Podcasts Episodes Collection|Podcasts Episodes]], [[Podcasts Episodes Collection|Podcasts Episode]], choice(entityIs = [[Movies Collection|Movies]], [[Movies Collection|Movie]], choice(entityIs = [[Comic Issues Collection|Comic Issues]], [[Comic Issues Collection|Comic Issue]], choice(entityIs = [[Performances Collection|Performances]], [[Performances Collection|Performance]], choice(entityIs = [[Video Games Collection|Video Games]], [[Video Games Collection|Video Game]], "?" ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) as "Media", choice(round(rating) = null, "", choice(rating <= 1, "★☆☆☆☆", choice(rating = 2, "★★☆☆☆", choice(rating = 3, "★★★☆☆", choice(rating = 4, "★★★★☆", choice(rating <= 5, "★★★★★", "") ) ) ) ) ) as "Rating" WHERE !contains(file.folder, "curtain") AND !contains(file.folder, "sample") AND (contains(publish, true) AND !contains(unlisted, true)) AND (contains(entityIs, [[Albums Collection|Albums]]) OR contains(entityIs, [[Books Collection|Books]]) OR contains(entityIs, [[Show Episodes Collection|Show Episodes]]) OR contains(entityIs, [[Podcasts Episodes Collection|Podcasts Episodes]]) OR contains(entityIs, [[Movies Collection|Movies]]) OR contains(entityIs, [[Comic Issues Collection|Comic Issues]]) OR contains(entityIs, [[Performances Collection|Performances]]) OR contains(entityIs, [[Video Games Collection|Video Games]])) SORT file.ctime desc LIMIT 3 ``` %% | Media title | Media | Rating | | ------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------ | | [[One of Them Days.md\|One of Them Days]] | [[Movies Collection\|Movie]] | ★★★★☆ | | [[The Sacred Damned.md\|The Sacred Damned]] | [[Comic Issues Collection\|Comic Issue]] | ★★★★☆ | | [[The Manchurian.md\|The Manchurian]] | [[Comic Issues Collection\|Comic Issue]] | ★★★★☆ | %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: end %% [^1]: either due to privacy or because most of the notes' value is in the properties which Obsidian Publish does not support